
Safety Meetings and Toolbox-Talks: Are you doing these?

We strongly believe worker safety should be one of your top priorities as a construction firm. Do you have policies in place to ensure you are conducting safety meetings and toolbox talks? These need to be done regularly and the best way to ensure that is to have a formal policy, company-wide.

Hold a Safety Meeting at the Project Kickoff

Start each project with a clean slate and ensure everyone involved is on the same page with regard to worker safety. At this meeting, address safety as it relates to this specific project. Discuss risks and hazards that will be encountered throughout the project. Include discussion and education on safe work practices relative to the tasks being performed, required use of appropriate personal protective equipment and first aid training.

Before the first day of actual work on the job site, have each worker take a trip to the job site to become familiar with the layout, location and any hazards already present. This allows them to focus solely on developing a safety plan for themselves, rather than be distracted by beginning work right away.

Schedule regular toolbox talks

Toolbox talks are short, informal meetings to revisit safety protocols and address any safety hazards that have arisen through the course of the project. Hold these each day at the start of the shift and keep them short to ensure you retain your workers’ attention. Readdress basic safety expectations and address any expected high-risk scenarios for the day or coming week. You should also address any safety incidents from the previous shift, how they were addressed and how we can improve in the future.

Customize these talks to the issues at hand. If there is severe weather, address that issue and discuss safety expectations and how workers can avoid hazardous conditions and remain safe. Open up the floor to allow questions or comments to create a dialogue on safety issues.

Conduct site inspections

Conducting unannounced site inspections will help workers keep safety at the top of mind. Use these as teaching moments to address any unsafe actions or conditions that you observe, how they can be addressed and prevented in the future. Take note of anything that might be a good topic at the next toolbox talk, such as if you see workers without hardhats on the job site.

Keep it positive

It’s easy to notice the violations of safety expectations and focus on those. But it’s important to highlight workers who are engaging in safe working practices to encourage other workers to follow their lead.

Make it a company policy to keep safety as a top priority. Questions on how we can help? Give us a call.